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Legend has it that Wu Gang is a bit rude heaven's day will, deeply attracted by the beautiful. Regardless of rejection, and again went to the palace of the moon entanglement. The goddess of the moon over the disturbance, thus pointing to mid laurel branches, it is too long, and if you will cut it off, then promised you pursuit. Wu Gang be wild with joy, thought this is what problem, and swung the axe cut. Each time the pull-out axe, laurel tree will recover. So he ax and ax to chop, laurel always. To cut down today.


There are legends of Wu Gang is a mortal: a river of people called Wu Minggang, the woodcutter, addicted to love, but always refused to concentrate on learning, and therefore God's wrath, his residence in the palace of the moon, make him in the palace of was five hundred feet of laurel, and said: if you cut down trees, can be obtained theurgy. But Wu Gang each cutting ax, ax and wound healing tree immediately, day in and day out, cutting GUI Wu Gang desire has not yet reached, so Wu Gang in the palace of perennial GUI, always not cut down the tree, and he was constantly cut down



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