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昨日,粤桂北部部分山区气温降至0度,漫天飘雪。据广州中心气象台监测:北方南下的寒潮昨天早晨杀到广州,造成气温持续下降,广州市昨日下午4时气温为5.4℃,比前一日同时间下降了10.6℃。昨日下午2时,全省的气温普遍比昨天同时间下降了10℃到14℃,全省普降小到中雨,粤北山区的韶关、连州、南雄、乐昌等地出现了雨夹雪、结冰和雪淞的天气。广东省海面出现了6到8级大风。从前天到到昨天下午5时,广东各市县气象台先后发布了146次寒冷预警信号。 小荷作文网 www.zww.cn ,你也可以投稿

奇怪的是,我们中心小学破天荒地发出防寒警告,允许学生和老师穿自己的大衣来学校。你可知道,我们学校从来都是很保守、对校服抓得很紧的呀!到底穿校服好不好呢?为此,我校一部分同学进行了一次有意义的讨论:“我觉得穿自己的衣服不太好。” 小荷作文网 www.zww.cn

“好!” 小荷作文网 www.zww.cn

“没错。” 小荷作文网 www.zww.cn ,你也可以投稿


















校服之我见 My View on School Uniform

Nowadays, almost all junior and senior students wear school uniforms which attract a growing number of attention. But the evaluation of students and parents on the school uniforms is always dissatisfied than commended. Don’t we want to wear school uniforms? Absolutely not. The real reasons are that the uniform style is old fashioned and the color is too dark. Besides, the school uniform is expensive but poor quality. In school, we are willing to wear school uniform, but we just hope that the style of uniform is what we like and suit for us.


Advantages and disadvantages of having school uniform

Some people think that students should wear school uniform.Because it can not only save students'money but also reduce the psychological comparisons which can make a difference among the students.Besides,students don't have to waste time to think what they should wear everyday except weekends.And the most important is that people can see the unity of a school and its good atmosphere.

However,some people don't think so.For they think that the school uniform is ugly and can not embody students'individual character.Besides,the material of the school uniform is bad which is harmful to students'health.

很赞哦! ()


