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Three Surgeons 三个有名的外科医生

Three famous surgeons were bragging about their skills. A man came to me who had his hand cut off, said one. Today that man is a concert violinist. That's nothing, said another. A guy came to me who had his legs cut off. I stitched them back on, and today that man is a marathon runner.

I can top both of you, said the third. One day I came on the scene of a terrible accident. There was nothing left but a horse's posterior - and a pair of glasses. Today that man is seated in United States Senate.




一天3个人比赛射击。A,50步射中某人头上的苹果说:I am A。B,100步射中说:I am B。C,150步,开枪后说:I am sorry.


布朗太太出去了。她锁了门,然后在门上贴了一张字条给送奶工“没有人在家,什么都不要留下”。她晚上回来的时候发现,她的门被撬开了,而且被洗劫一空。在那张她留下的字条上她看到了“谢谢!我们没有什么都没有留下” Harry 和 Lloyd 超速行驶。一个警察把他们拦截下来。“为什么开这么快?”警察问。 我们的刹车有点问题,所以我们想在出事故前离开这里。

很赞哦! ()
