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The story of Christmas socks when there was a nobleman of clver, his wife died because of disease, to be thrown to him and his three daughters. This noble attempt to a number of inventions, failed, so I ran out of money, so they had to move to a cottage life, his daughters are personally by cooking, sewing and cleaning. In the past few years and studied, daughter ones to the known age, father while depressed because he has no money to buy his daughters portion. One night, his daughters after washing your clothes will be stocking hangs in front of the fireplace. Saint Nicholas know their father's position, was on that night, came to their door. He saw a family of the window have been asleep, but also noticed that the girls of stockings. Then, he pulled out of my Pocket three bags of gold from the chimney from town to cast down, just dropped on the girls of stockings. The next morning, his daughters woke up to find their stocking full of gold and enough for them to buy a dowry. This noble and therefore be able to see his daughters get married, never to lead a happy life. Later, the world children are all inherited the tradition of hanging Christmas stockings. In some countries children there are other similar customs, such as in France, the children shoes is placed in the fireplace, and so on. The story of the Christmas tree is said to be a farmer in a windy and snowy Christmas night received a child hunger and cold, just a big Christmas dinner, the boy said goodbye to fold a fir-tree cuttings on the ground and blessings said: the present day, 满枝, retain beautiful FIR, thanked you for your kindness. Baby, farmers found the branch turned a small tree, he realize their own welcome turned out to be one of the angels of God. The story became the source of the Christmas tree. In the West, whether Christian, Christmas is a Christmas tree, to increase the holidays. The Christmas tree is commonly used flousiana baeg made, such as evergreen tree life endures forever. The tree decorated with a variety of colored lights, flowers, red and yellow color, toys, Christmas Bell, heart-shaped biscuits, stars, hanging up a variety of Christmas presents. Night, people singing and dancing around the Christmas tree,. The legend of Santa Claus in the legend of Santa Claus for thousands of years ago the Scandinavian appears. Secretary for health and wisdom in the Nordic myth, art, poetry, war of 奥丁神, deep, rode his eight-legged horse mount gallopacross in the tjakrawala, the evil Banzragch thatbrings distribute gifts. At the same time, its child with red jacket for the enemy territory: Quake lightning as a weapon and the big games and snow gods 昏天黑地 sanhuanyichang, win cold. According to legend, Santa Claus as a pagan 奥丁神 descendantof. There is also a legend known as Santa Claus and by the Saint Nicolas, so Santa Claus also known as St.Nicholas. most of these stories on the sustantialization Christian, citations, most of the story fade, however a Santa Claus remains in the spirit of the people of the world. The annual Christmas day, Santa Claus riding in Aries, the occurent 圣童 handheld Christmas tree falls, as there, writers and artists began to Santa Claus as we today are familiar with the cohniiand ifwitnesses Lady in red, blank space. At the same time a different country and culture on the Santa Claus also has different interpretations. In Germany, legend has it that he ofghosts 圣童 crack and the Apple in the kids shoe. He took two-wheeled carriages roaming, observation of people's behavior, especially a child, if the performance of the .fluorescent will be apples, nuts, sugar and many other prizes. Bad boy they get a whip. Parents have to take this sowit to encourage children obedient. Well over the new year, as a community-wide Festival. Santa Claus has become a Christmas favorite symbols and traditions. He missed the northernnorth, La with toys and gifts of the sled from door to door to every child a gift of joy and old elfkin's image is ineradicable in people's memories. 11 century Italian religious soldier Nicholas relics of the saints will be brought back to Italy, and in the port city of Bari has built a church in memory of him. Soon the Christians around the world right from the start a pilgrimage to the Saint. These will be a Saint Nicholas the Pilgrim Story brought back to their local community, the legend of Santa Claus in individual countries. The 12th century Europe song'in Nicholas day occurred to gifts and charitable activities. Germany, France, the Netherlands will be December 6, as a religious day, children and poor people a day for giving. Dutch settlers arrived in America, their Sintirklass abishop secretlywith Sintirklass to go, dressed in a red makes, a white horse. Sintirklass the image of the United States and later evolved into a happy old genius. At first, American writer Washington. Owen in his the history of the New York comedy in which he described as a round and fat of the Netherlands to the old. 1823 years, poet Clement Moore in his poem the St.Nicholas, continuing in Sintirklass/Saint Nicholas's image dramatic, that's what you can see at the beginning of the passage about how Santa Claus. In the 19th century the 1960s cartoon producer Thomas Nash painted a picture fat, kind of Santa Claus as one week of the Harper illustrations. This image of Santa Claus was deeply rooted in the minds of the people of the United States. As time went on, the image of Santa Claus is given back to Europe, to South America, spread all over the world. Many countries have saved their own for Santa's customs and legends. In the Netherlands, in the legend of Santa Claus Sintirklass took a man called Black Peter's Assistant, riding a boat on 6 December. He was wearing a big book, the book describes all the Netherlands children over the past year. Good kids gift giving to them, not good who let his assistant. Germany's Santa Claus secretlywith called Knecht Ruprecht, Krampus or Pelzebock retinueof, shouder, behind the back of a gift of big bag, with a stick. Good children will receive his gift, a naughty boy is going to give a few lessons of a stick. Italy called La Befana Santa; France called ¤÷¿ë Christmas or Santa Pere-Noel; Switzerland Santa call Christkindl or Christ Child; the Navia, prospecting area Christmas call julenisse or juletomte; and the United Kingdom as Santa Claus and France also known as the ¤÷¿ë Christmas (the father of Christmas), his image Claus solemn than others, some even thin. North American Santa Claus is riding the northernnorth La's sleigh to gift to children.

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