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one day, a crow was very thirsty after flying in the desert. he was looking for water and he finally found it. but there is a problem, the waters are in a bottle and the crows beak cannot reach the base of the bottle.

after some thinking, he saw some pebbles all over the place, he had a great idea. he started to get the pebbles and puts them into the bottle one by one.slowly, the water level in the bottle starts to rise. 

in the end, the crow was able to drink the water and then fly home.the crow was very clever. he uses his wisdom wisely. we must all learn from the crow. to be smart and clever.





Adding Feet to a Drawn Snake

A group of people staked a globlet of wine on drawing a snake on the ground. The one whoever finished the drawning first would win the globet of wine.Then,one of them came out first and complacently took up the globet,ready to drink.Seeing nobody around him had finished yet,he held the wine in his left hand and said:Oh,there is still time for me to add some feet to the snake.So saying,he used the other hand to do it.But before he could finish the feet,another man completed his snake.He immediately seized the vessel and cried:A snake is born without feet.How can you add feet to it?With these words,he gulped down the wine.



Once there was a trained dolphin named, Regina and she had no home but her fur kept her warm. Then one day a mother dolphin went up to Regina and said, I am your mother I found a home for you sweetheart. Regina said, Let's go I will be happy to get out of this nasty water. But it took forever to get to her new home but finally they got there.

Regina was happy to to be with all her brothers and sisters. The first day she was there she got in to mischief and got punished and for getting in to stuff she was told not to. Also her brothers got in to trouble to for being mean to Regina and hurt her feelings by calling her names like fat so but they made up by kissing and they lived happily ever after.

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