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.1顺便问 by the way

2互相帮助help each other

3互相学习learn from each other

4住在巴西live in Brazil

5和我一样的年龄the same age as me

6一块面包a piece of bread

7.点菜have the manue

8和我去吃饭have meal with me

9和他们点一样的菜the same with them

10把这图片拿给他 give the picture to him

11两块鱼two pieces of fish

12带一些吃的东西bring something to eat

13一碗米饭a bowel of rice

14请你们随便吃些牛肉please have some beef

15五杯茶five cups of tea

16一份橘汁a glass of orange

1. By the way,

2. help each other

3. learn from each other

4. live in Brazil

5. same as my age (in my age)

6. a piece of bread (一小块面包) a loaf of bread (一大块或条面包)

7. order

8. have(take) meal(dinner) with me

9. same as their order

10. take the picture to him

11. 2 pieces of fish

12. bring some food

13. a bowl of rice

14. help yourselves with some beef

15. 5 cups of tea

16. an orange juice (orange juice 虽然不可数,但是如果前面加 an 就是指一份) 或者是 a glass(cup, order) of orange juice

by the way

help each other

learn each other

live in Brazil

the same to me

a piece of bread

order dishes

order dishes the same to them

give the pictures to him

two pieces of fish

take sth. to eat

a bowl of rice

Help yourselves to some beef

five cups of tea

a piece of juice

1by the way

2help each other

3learn from each other

4live in Brazil

5at the same age of me

6a slice of bread

7to order dishes

8to go and have a dinner with me

9the same dishes as his

10take the picture to him

11a chunk of fish

12take some eating

13a bowl of rice

14help yourself for some beef

15two cups of tea

16a glass of orange juice

二、互相帮助 用英语怎么翻译

help eath other

三、用英语写出; 互相帮助

help with each other.


hlep each other

很赞哦! ()
