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这个你可以找一些那个寓言给他用,这样可以更好的激起他的兴趣。你可以到那个“上学吧资料分享中心”应该可以找到很多的。这里我给你发一个:The Heifer and the Ox A Heifer saw an Ox Hard at work harnessed to a plow, and tormented him with reflections on his unhappy fate in being compelled to labor .Shortly sfterwards, at the harvest ,at the harfvest festival, the owner released away to the altar to be slain in honor of the occasion ,The Ox say what was being done, and said with a simle to the Heifer:for this you were allowed to live in idleness, because you were presently to be sacrificed. 母牛和公牛 的故事

很赞哦! ()
