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Stuart Little about the United States New York one called Park Jang Su and ordinary families, they have a like a mouse size, look like a mouse boy Stewart. But one family did not get excited over a little thing, no more heave great sighs. In contrast, Stuart Stewart, a life has become even more interesting, had a lot of fun. The story is full of deep affection and deep love. Especially the younger rats Stewart was full of adventure, optimistic to meet the challenge, never yield in spite of reverses in pursuit of their love. He is looking for his love of birds and Gallo, driving a mini car, to the north. Particularly afford much food for thought is until the end of the story, the younger rats have yet to find birds and Gallo, but he said: I will always go to the north, until the end of my life.Therefore, we also need to like Stewart noble spirit -- confident, open-minded, optimistic, never yield in spite of reverses, march forward courageously. My heart always be with a beautiful dream, though he is blind development, but we should also try to pursue happiness, for my heart. Like Stewart, Maria Calo is it heart all beautiful spiritual yearning for a substitute, he may never find his MA Gallo, but never mind, the most important is not the end, it he was persistent state. He is on the way, he was looking for, he will never give up. Because all life is a trip without destination to be unable to travel, do not know where in the world, but we can dream always go to the north.






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