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Mrs.Mouse was taking her babies for a walk one day when they met a large cat. “Bow-wow!” Shouted Mrs.Mouse and cat turned and ran away. 1、“You see,children,”said Mrs.Mouse,“how important it is to speak another language!” 老鼠妈妈领着她的孩子们在散步 。忽然,他们碰见一只大猫儿。 汪汪!”老鼠妈妈叫了起来。猫儿吓得掉头就跑。 你们瞧,孩子们,”老鼠妈妈说:“会讲另一种语言是多么的重要。” 2、2.How Much Is It? It was winter, and Mrs. Hermann wanted to do a lot of shopping, so she waited until it was Saturday, when her husband was free, and she took him to the shops with her to pay for everything and to carry her parcels. They went to a lot of shops, and Mrs. Hermann bought a lot of things. She often stopped and said, Look, Joe! Isn't that beautiful! He then answered, All right, dear, How much is it? and took his money out to pay for it. It was dark when they came out of the last shop, and Mr. Hermann was tired and thinking about other things, like a nice drink by the side of a warm fire at home. Suddenly his wife looked up at the sky and said, Look at that beautiful moon, Joe! Without stopping, Mr. Hermann answered, All right, dear, How much is it? 多少钱? 严冬来临,荷曼太太想采购一大批东西,所以她就一直等到周六丈夫有空的时候,她拖着他去商店付钱连带拎包裹。他们去了许多商店,荷曼太太买了一大堆东西。她经常停下脚步说道:“看,乔伊!那个多漂亮!” 他总是回答:“好吧!亲爱的,多少钱?”然后掏钱去付款。 他们从最后一家商店出来的时候夜幕已经降临,荷曼先生已精疲力尽了。他心里想着其它事情,比如在家里暖暖的火炉边呷口美酒。突然他太太仰望天空,说道:“看那月亮多美,乔伊!” 荷曼先生不加思索答道:“好吧,亲爱的,多少钱?”

很赞哦! ()
