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第一个 一天,草原上来了一个人类,他对我说,可以和我走吗?我们很需要你,我很激动,因为人类很少出现在这里的,而现在他们好像很需要我的帮助,我决定跟他走,因为我是一头牛,一头喜欢帮助别人的牛,我热爱生活……! 人类在我的鼻子上穿了一个洞,插了一跟木棍,还系了一根绳子在上面,开始我很不习惯,我讨厌束缚,我喜欢自由,可是渐渐的我发现我开始依赖这根绳子了,没有了它我失去了方向…… 到了人类播种的时候了,我喜欢这个季节,因为这个季节对于人类来说很重要,他们赖以生存的粮食就是在这个时候播种的,而我,一头牛就是这个季节的主角,我背着重重的耕车,一步一步的在田间行走,身后留下翻新的土地,人们把种子丢在里面,来年就会有好多粮食,我很高兴,虽然很累,不过每次在我累的走不动的时候,人类就会用鞭子在我身上鼓励我,还对我大叫:“得儿……架!” 我喜欢帮他们耕地,喜欢帮他们拉车,人类把我价值体现的几乎完美,连他们的孩子都喝我的奶长大,我感激他们,我感激他们让我活的那么精彩,我热爱生活,我喜欢帮助人,所以我非常感激他们,就算他们把我杀了要吃烤牛肉我也不后悔……! 当我看见铁锤在我眼前晃过后,我就什么也不知道了,当醒来的时候我发现我到了一个陌生的地方,看见了以前好多在草原的朋友—马、狗、猪、羊还有猫和老鼠!就在我们互相打招呼的时候,来了一个从没有见过的动物,后来知道他叫……龙!龙告诉我们这里是仙界,他是仙界的动物,我不管他是什么,我知道我也可以帮助他的,因为不管在那里,我都是一头牛,一头热爱生活的牛……! 这里也有人类,不过我总感觉这里的人类和以前的不一样。有一天,来个一个人告诉我们,叫我们过几天去一个地方,在那里有需要我们帮助的一见事……我喜欢这个消息。 我再也不想在这里呆下去了,没有什么需要我做的,我失去了目标,于是我决定提前去那个叫生肖宝殿的地方,因为那里可能需要我,我问了很多人愿不愿意和我一起走,可是他们都说现在不去,在这里他们很舒服,不愁吃,不愁住。只有老鼠愿意和我一起走,他没有说什么理由,可是我很开心,多少有个伴了! 在路上,老鼠很神秘的告诉我,一个晚上他听见这里的人在说关于生肖宝殿的事,他说宝殿里有12个座位,先前到的12个动物就有资格坐在上面被世人崇拜……,我不明白是什么意思,可是我想我既然去了,就要去看看。老鼠还说,他很自卑,在动物里没有人看的起他,人类更到处打他,更让他不明白的是,动物界的老大——老虎都不欺负他,为什么一只小小的猫却见他就扁他呢!所以他要抢到一个位子,这样就可以扬眉吐气了,就不怕别人欺负他了。 我很同情老鼠的遭遇,我决定帮助他,为了加快脚步,我让老鼠骑在我的背上,我跑的飞一样的快……! 宝殿下就我和老鼠,老鼠很高兴说,一定会有位子的,并一直在笑我。我很欣慰,帮助别人我就会快乐,就在我们将要进去的时候,哪个老欺负老鼠的猫赶了过来拦住了我们的去路,老鼠好害怕,我很生气……! 我不喜欢强者欺负弱者的行为,尤其是在我面前出现这样的事情,我决定帮助老鼠,于是我踢出了我从没有踢过的蹄子……! 明亮的宝殿大厅里整齐的放着12张宝座,在我制止猫欺负老鼠的时候,老鼠乘机躲进了宝殿里,于是他坐在了第一个宝座上,我看见他的眼中有滚滚的泪花,我坐在了老鼠的傍边安慰他,鼓励他,这个时候动物们越来越多,位子很快被坐满了,我没有看见猫的身影,难道他被我踢晕了现在还没醒?他不会死了吧?难道……!我心里开始不安起来!! 一个厚重的声音在大殿的上空响起——! 十二生肖座次就位,鼠牛虎兔……! “那只猫现在怎么样了……!!!” 第二个 蔡志忠的漫画书《庄子说》,里面有个故事是关于一只蚊子的:有一只蚊子飞到一头牛的牛角上停住了,呆了很久很久,然后蚊子对牛喊道:“喂!我要走了!”牛没有理会它。又过了一会儿,蚊子又对牛喊道:“喂,我真的要走了!”牛还是没有理睬它。最后蚊子很生气地对牛嚷嚷道:“我都说要走了,你为什么不理我啊?”牛漫不经心地说:“你来的时候,我没有注意到你;你要走了,又与我有什么相干呢?” 第三个 蜗牛来到大街上,听到有人喊它的名字,心里很高兴,因为名字中有个牛'.顿时感到自己高大,强壮起来,连走路的姿势也变得雄赳赳,气昂昂了. 一天,蜗牛忽然听到有人喊一只小昆虫叫做天牛”,气坏了,忍不住地冲它说:你这小昆虫怎能配称牛呢,真太给我们牛的家族丢脸了. 这下天牛可不服气了,便与蜗牛争吵起来.它俩争得脸红脖子粗,谁也说服不了谁.最后,它们决定找一头牛来评一下理.它们来到一头正在耕地的老黄牛跟前,然后天牛和蜗牛开始称赞起自己的魁梧'的外貌和高超的本领'来.老黄牛已经干活干得满头大汉了.它听得实在是不耐烦了,便抬起了头说:行了,别吵了,你们都算是牛好不好.一听都是牛,蜗牛和天牛都乐坏了.当老黄牛低下头继续干活时,却又说了一句:不过,你们两个都是吹牛的牛”.


The Story of the Cow

There was an old woman. The old woman had raised a cow. She used not to pasture the cow. Every day, she used to drive it out to pasture. Every day, as it became evening, this cow returned. Every day, the old woman used to milk one pail of milk.

One day her cow did not return. Then the old woman put her pail into the hearth, braided a short rope and looked at the omen. When she looked at her omen, she saw that the cow was not moving. It would tell useful news.

The next day morning, the old woman took along her stick, pressed her milk pail under the arm and went to look for her cow.

While she was walking, when she arrived in the mountains, she met with a wolf. Then the old woman asked the wolf about it. The wolf said thus: I have devoured your cow. Tonight I will come to eat you too!

Then the old woman went home, crying for fear. While she was walking, halfway she met with an old man with white hair. Why are you crying? he asked the old woman.

Then the old woman said: I had a cow. Every day I drove it out to pasture. When it returned in the evening, I milked a pail of milk. Yesterday my cow did not return. As I went to look for it today, I met with a wolf between those mountains. The wolf said thus: 'I have devoured your cow. Tonight I will eat you too!' he said. I am crying because I don't know what to do today.

Then the old man with the white hair said: There is no problem. Just you go and don't lock your door tonight. Bury a piece of dung in the hearth. Bury an egg next to the dung. Stick an awl into the hearth. Put a hammer next to your head. Tonight, when the wolf comes, just you sleep quietly. When the wolf has entered, he will first walk to the hearth. When he walks back from the hearth, you beat him with the hammer. Then he certainly cannot eat you.

Then the old woman went home, put everything thus, and went to sleep in the evening. Hardly had she gone to sleep, when the wolf opened the door and entered. He entered, went to the hearth, and, intending to light a fire, gave a blow into the hearth.

Then the egg burst, got into his eyes, and blinded his eyes. When he sat down on his backside, the awl stabbed his buttocks. Then the wolf walked towards the kang to eat the old woman. While he was walking, when he got near the bottom of kang, the old woman made the wolf fall down with one blow of the hammer. Then the old woman beat him relentlessly. When she had beaten him for a moment, the wolf died.

When he had died, the old woman skinned the wolf's hide and made a mattress. She took his flesh and bones away and buried them.

很赞哦! ()


