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有关牛顿发现万有引力定律的故事 英文叙述 50词以内 好了加分


有关牛顿发现万有引力定律的故事 英文叙述 50词以内 好了加分

The first law describes a fundamental property of matter, called inertia, as follows:

Every body remains in a state of rest or in a state of uniform motion (constant speed in a straight line) unless it is compelled by impressed forces to change that state.

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Sir Isaac is the human history of the greatest, the most influential scientist, is also a physicist, mathematician and philosopher, later indulged in alchemy and theology. In July 5, 1687 he published the monumental work mathematical principles of natural philosophy with mathematical method explains the most basic laws in the universe -- the law of universal gravitation and the three laws of motion. These four laws constitute a unified system, is considered to be the wisdom of human history one of the greatest achievements, thus laid after the three century physics scientific view, and becomes the modern engineering foundation. Newtons for human to establish rationalism banner, open industrial revolution door. Newtonian died, was buried in Westminster Abbey, became the first scientist in this death


Newton and the apple

For a long time, Newton believed, there must be a mysterious force, is the invisible force pulling the solar system planets revolve around the sun. But, in the end is what kind of force.

Until one day, when he was in the garden under the apple tree thinking, an apple fell on his feet, he finally achieved enlightenment, his problem was solved.

Legend of the fall of 1665, Newton was sitting in their own homes in the apple tree thinking planets moving around the sun causes. At this time, an apple was dropped, it falling on Newton's feet. This is a moment of discovery, the apple falling and previous apple falls in different times, as it caused Newton 's attention. From the Apple Newton that behoove phenomenon found in apples falling reason -- to gravity, this comes from the invisible force took the apple to fall, just as the earth pulls the moon, the moon around the earth movement.

This story is said by Newton's niece Barton lady told the French philosopher, and writer Voltaire up and down. Voltaire writes it Newtonian philosophy principle in one book. Newton hometown this apple tree was transplanted to the University of Cambridge.

Newton died, that he is considered as the discovery of cosmic law and endowed with legendary heroes, Newton and Apple's story is widely known. But so does the fact that is not found in other sources to verify.

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