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来源:( ) - 2010年全国一卷高考作文仿写:最爆笑的猫吃鱼故事演绎_贵毕公路_新浪博客    四只猫各自分到了一条鱼,三猫动作优雅,吃得津津有味。一猫爱思索:待遇优厚也不能尸位素餐坐享其成。机会来了,一只老鼠惊惶地路过,猫起身扑之。另三猫大怒:有鱼不吃非逐鼠,你是不是要陷我等于不义?猫郁闷而退,感叹:什么时候干点本职工作也这么难了?







One day,a fish was swimming about a foot below the surface of a lake and saw a fly hovering just out of striking distance.The fish said to itself,If that fly comes six inches closer,I'll jump up and have myself a meal. Just then,a bear on the shore of the lake looked up and said to itself, If that fly gets any closer to that fish,the fish will jump up,and I'll catch the fish and have myself a meal. As luck would have it,a hunter saw what was happening.He thought to himself,If that fly moves closer to the fish,the fish will jump,the bear will lean over to grab the fish,and I'll shoot the bear. Just then,a rat was standing behind the hunter saying to itself, If that fly moves closer to the fish,the fish will jump,the bear will lean over to grab the fish,the hunter will lean over to shoot the bear,and I'll grab the sandwich from the back pocket of the hunter.However,unbeknownst to the rat,a cat was observing everything and thinking,If that fly moves closer to the fish,the fish will jump,the bear will grab the fish,the hunter will shoot the bear,the rat will grab the sandwich,and I'll snatch the rat. At that very moment,the fly dropped a few inches,the fish grabbed the fly,the bear grabbed the fish,the hunter shot the bear,the rat grabbed the sandwich,the cat jumped,missed the rat and landed in the lake.The moral of this story is:If the fly drops six inches the pussy will get wet.

很赞哦! ()

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