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目测杭州英特外国语初一学生- -


Hold Fast To Dreams

Never lose sight of your dreams. The trait most successful people have in common is the ability to hold onto their dreams under any circumstances. If your dream is to speak beautiful English, persist in trying until it becomes a reality. Don`t give up because you meet frustration or feel too busy in your daily life.We all want to believe deep down in our souls that we have a special gift, that we can make a difference, that we can touch others in a special way, and that we can make world a better place.

At one time in our lives, we all had a vision for the quality of life that we desire and deserve. Yet, for many of us, those dreams have become so shrouded in the frustration and routines of daily life that we no longer even make an effort to accomplish them. For far too many, the dream has dissipated and with it, so has the will to shape our destinies. Many have lost that sense of certainty that creates the winner`s edge.

What we should do is to restore the dream and to make it real, to get each of us to remember and use the unlimited power that lies sleeping within us all.


My dream is to become a musician that much attention. A child I was very naive, never thought my ideal. Now I grew up, when students asked me: What is your ideal? I will answer with confidence:. My dream is to be a singer, I often see those singers were accompanied by wonderful music in fresh with their graceful singing passionately sing on stage. Those lovely like a child to skip the notes are accompanied by my side, engraved in my mind. I deeply revel in the music, forget the world, forget the self. Every day, I always have music to accompany it became my inseparable friends. Failure, when setbacks, I never feared it, because the ideal musician always reminds me: now I am still so far away from the ideal, the road ahead is still rough, filling it! With a firm faith to overcome all of it! When I was tired, as long as the day when the sound of music depends on, I forget what is tired early to pull.

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