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Be a Polite personWe all want to be polite people,especially in public.So we should be civilized and polite.For example,we shouldn’t speak loudly in public.We shouldn’t smoke,sneeze,jump the queue or throw rubbish everywhere and so on.These are not good.If others do such things,we should stop them and give them suggestions on how to be polite.


Cultural differences can invite interest, rupture friendships or even spark wars. when visiting another country, observing the proper etiquette over meals can go a long way toward opening lines of communication. Japanese dining etiquette is fairly simple, and there are only a few small things to remember to make sure that your meals will move along smoothly.

If a hot towel is provided




Manners are important to happy relations among people. No one likes a person with bad

manners. A person with good manners never laugh at people when they are in trouble,

instead, he tries to help them. When he asks for something, he says “please”. And when he

receives something, he usually says “Thank you”. He doesn’t interrupt other people when

they are talking. He does not talk loudly in public. When he sneezes or spits , he uses a

handkerchief . As a student it is bad manners to come late to class. If you are late you

should make an apology to the teacher either at the time or after class.


Excuse me

很赞哦! ()

上一篇:关于“文明礼仪”方面的一些 名言,格言,小故事有哪些?'>谈谈自媒体、新媒体和融媒体

