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A cat and a tiger are good friends,they usually talk to each other.They look the same.But the cat is very small,and the tiger is very big. They hunt food in the same way.The cat is good hunter,but the tiger isn't.Every day the cat can find something to eat,but the tiger can't.Some days the tiger can't find any food at all. One day,the tiger goes to see the cat.he says,“Friend Cat,I want your help.I am bigger than you,but I can't hunt as well as you.Can you teach me?” The cat thinks for a long time.At last he says,“well,Friend Tiger,I will teach you to be a good hunter.” Day after day the cat teaches the tiger.He teaches him how to hide in a tree.He teaches him how to walk very,very quietly.He teaches him how to jump ahead.He teaches him how to run fast. The cat is a good teacher,and the tiger learns fast. At last the cat says,“Friend Tiger,I do not have any more tricks.” The tiger begins to think.He says to himself,“The cat can not teach me anything else.I may as well eat him up.” Fast as he can,the tiger jumps at the cat.But just as fast,the cat climbs up the tree!The tiger lands on his face!The tiger is mad! “You don't teach me that,”says the tiger,“I don't know how to climb up a tree!” The cat laughs,“Do you think I will teach you all my tricks?I am small,but I am not silly!” And the cat doesn't teach the tiger anything else. 猫和老虎是好朋友,他们经常在一起聊天,在一起玩耍。他们长得很像,但是猫很小,老虎却很大。 他们用同样的方法捕食。猫是个好猎手,但是老虎却不是。每天,猫都可以找到吃的东西,但是老虎却不行。有好多天老虎都找不到食物吃。 一天,老虎去看猫。老虎说:“猫朋友,我需要你的帮助,我比你大,但是却不能和你一样善于捕食,你能教教我吗?” 猫想了很长时间,最后他说:“好吧,虎朋友,我教你怎样成为一个好猎手。” 猫天天教着老虎,教她怎样藏在树里,怎样走得很轻,如何往前跳,怎样快速奔跑。 猫是个好老师,老虎也学得很快。 最后,猫说:“虎朋友,我已经没有其他本领了。” 老虎开始寻思,他自言自语道:“猫不能再叫我任何东西了,最好把它吃掉。” 老虎迅速扑向猫,但是猫却飞快的爬上了树,老虎摔趴在地上,他气得发狂! “你没有教我这一招,”老虎说,“你没有教我怎样爬树!” 猫笑了:“你认为我会教你我所有本领吗?我是很小,但我不傻呀!” 于是猫再也不教老虎任何东西了。

关于动物的英语小故事,三年级水平,即简单又短的 50词左右,{网上抄的不给分}

He felt very hungry and thirsty. When a sheep passed by, he asked him to fetch some water from the stream. If you bring me the water, he said, I will find means to get some food. Yes, said the sheep, if I bring you the water, you would undoubtedly make me your food.

很赞哦! ()


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