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A Thousand-mirror House

There were two little dogs in a village . There was a thousand-mirror house near the village.One day ,one dog went to the house ,stood at the door and look at the mirrors and there were a thousand dogs in them .Then it bit at them and they bit at it too .So it went back to the village and it told the people the house was bad .

The other dog visited the house .It smiled at the mirrors and the dogs in the mirrors smiled at it too .So it was happy and told the people the house was really good


1.That's WhyJimmy started painting when he was three years old, and when he was five, he was already very good at it. He painted many beautiful and interesting pictures, and people paid a lot of money for them. They said, This boy's going to be famous when he's little older, and then we're going to sell these pictures for a lot more money. Jimmy's pictures were different from other people's because he never painted on all of the paper. He painted on half of it, and the other half was always empty.That's very clever, everyone said, Nobody else does that!One day somebody bought one of Jimmy's pictures and then said to him, Please tell me this, Jimmy. Why do you paint on the bottom half of your pictures, but not on the top halfBecause I'm small, Jimmy said, and my burshes don't reach very high.原来如此吉米三岁开始画画,五岁时已经画得很好了。他画了很多美丽而有趣的画,人们出高价购买。他们说,“这个孩子长大一点肯定会出名,我们可以靠这些画大赚一笔。”吉米的画与众不同。因为他从来不在整张纸上作画。他只画一半的纸,而另一半他总空着。“构思多么巧妙啊!”大家都说,“从来没有人这么做过。”有一天,一个人买了吉米的画,然后问他:“请告诉我,吉米,你为什么总是在纸的下半部分画画,而不是在纸的上半部分?”吉米说,“因为我个头小,够不着上面。”2One day a little girl came running into her house yelling, Mommy, I got five dollars! The mother was curious, so she asked her child where she got the five dollars from.The little girl replied: ''Tommy down the street gave me five dollars for doing cartwheel while he sat in the tree.The mother told her daughter: Don't you know that Tommy is just trying to see your panties.''OOOOhhhh'' said the little girl.The next day the little girl came running into the house yelling, Mommy, I got ten dollars. The mother asked, Where did you get the ten dollars fromThe little girl replied, Tommy down the street gave me ten dollars for doing a cartwheel while he sat up in the tree and laughed.The mother replied: Didn't I tell you that he is...''Before the mother could finish, the little girl said, ''Wait Mommy! I tricked him, I didn't wear any panties today.''恩,这个故事有一点那个那个,嘿嘿,可以的话你就用。

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