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作文my favorite film白雪公主


作文my favorite film白雪公主

I am very happy to have a film class in school. Because there are many people in the film the truth, the church in my daily life encountered anything to be solved. Among them, I like Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, this movie.

The queen in the movie is very jealous of the beauty of snow white. The queen thought three ways to set up the snow white. The first way is to let the servant put her in the forest and kill her. But the servant took pity on her, she let go of the. The second method is to use a poisoned comb poisoned her, was the seven dwarves found and helped her pull out a comb, snow white again. The third method is the queen made a poison apple, lied to the princess to eat a poisonous apple, to poison her. The seven dwarfs have no way to save her. The neighboring Prince snow white to save. They also got married, the queen knew that after being alive mad.

Snow white in the film is very good and beautiful, but it is easy to believe that a stranger, but also very greedy, to take someone else's things, she also casually eat something strange. Finally hurt yourself. I can't believe that people, like her, don't be cheap, it won't be hurt.

The film is very good. I like it very much





4岁,我第一次接触了书,那是妈妈给我买的一本注音版的《格林童话》,我对书的认识也是由此开始。我认识了美丽的白雪公主 ,可爱的小矮人,善良的灰姑娘,法力无边的比目鱼••••••在那个现实与想象分不清的年龄,我沉浸在童话中,幻想着自己也能有一双美丽的水晶鞋,能住进金碧辉煌的宫殿。那时的我,充满快乐,充满幻想,充满对成长的渴望。




很赞哦! ()


