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我与英语的故事英语作文 有翻译


一、我与英语的故事英语作文 有翻译



How time flies ,It has past half an month since beginning of the summer holiday .

As the weather getting hotter and hotter ,my parent and me go to the seaside .Last week we are go to the Xiamen.It's a beautiful city , bule sky and bule sea .The Xiamen is an island neal the Taiwan .From top of the Riguan rock we can see jinmen island .

We spent a happy day in Xiamen .





i have a date with winter, we were dating at the edge of the pond, lotus withered, feebly pendency head. lotus leaf edges become yellow. water ice formed, many of the fish under the ice free to swim to swim, many naughty children in the ice happy skating, for the cold winter brought warmth fishes. i have a date with winter. we dated in the snow on the playground. the snowflake bending the branches, with the hand touch, like a lot of white feathers fell down, many children playing in the snow and pile up a snowman, played the game the snowball fights, hair floating white feathers. i have a date with winter. we dated in the snow flying in the field, snow for the crops to put on a coat, wheat cover quilts, crops have been bending the waist, as if to snow aunt, said: thank you, snow aunt i had a date in the winter. we were dating in the snow, and the white snowflakes were wearing a white hat, and the trees of the old days became white towers. many small animals were dormant in the cave, and the little squirrel who lived in the house was in his house. i have a date in the winter...... 我与冬天有个约会作文:i have a date in the winter 我和冬天有个约会,我们约会在池塘边,荷花枯萎了,无力地垂下了头.荷叶的边上变成了黄色.水面结成了冰,许多的小鱼在冰下自由自在地游来游去,许多顽皮的小孩在冰上快乐地滑冰,为寒冷的冬天带来了丝丝暖意. 我和冬天有个约会.我们约会在大雪纷飞的操场上.雪花压弯了树枝,用手一碰,就像许多白色的羽毛落了下来,许多小孩在雪地上玩耍,堆起了雪人,玩起了打雪仗的游戏,头发上还飘着雪白的“羽毛”. 我和冬天有个约会.我们约会在雪花飞扬的田野里,雪花为庄稼穿上了棉衣,为小麦盖上了棉被,庄稼们都被压弯了腰,好象在对雪花阿姨说:“谢谢你,雪花阿姨” 我和冬天有个约会.我们约会在雪花飘飘的树林里,白色的雪花好似给树戴上了一顶白帽子,往日绿色的树变成了白色的塔.许多小动物冬眠在洞穴里,连活波的小松鼠也待在自己的屋子里了. 我和冬天有个约会……

很赞哦! ()


